Fulham - Working together

Our Week in the Forest... 

It has been interesting to see how a curiosity last week has developed into a real favourite this week. The buckets have gotten bigger; the loads have gotten heavier and the teamwork has gotten better – the children have really been getting the hang of using our pulleys and they have really lifted spirits. It has been fascinating to watch the children problem solve independently and together, working their hardest to lift the buckets before the inevitable enjoyment of watching it crash to the ground.
This week we’ve also seen the reintroduction of tool work. On Tuesday morning, during our circle time Marlon showed the children the saw they could use later in the afternoon if they wished. Together we discussed what its full name was, what things could be made using the bow saw and how we could use it safely. The children listened so intently, with most contributing ways for us all to stay safe and all saying they wanted to take part. When it came to the afternoon, the children took their seat in the designated area and all waited so patiently until it was their turn. I have never seen two-year olds sit so attentively for such a long time! Those instructed to help hold the branch steady took pride in being a helper and by the end of the afternoon everyone had cut a tree cookie. As the children excitedly ran to practitioners showing them what they had made, it was clear that it was a particularly worthwhile activity.

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We also had an indoor day this week. With the high winds on Wednesday, we decided it best to stay out of the forest. The children enjoy the novelty of an indoor day every so often, but by the afternoon it’s obvious some of them are desperate to get back outside. The children enjoyed playing board games, doing art activities and building train tracks. By two o’clock the wind had died down but the rain was torrential – perfect puddle weather! Those who wanted to, put on their waterproofs, wellies and hats and ventured out into the rain. After a short while, we were all soaked so headed back inside for a snack, a change of clothes and then home time.

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Little Forest Folk