Barnes - fine motor activities

Our Week in the Forest... 

As Summer term draws to a close it is with reluctance that we say goodbye to some of our fantastic friends. For those that are moving on from Little Forest Folk we wish you all the best for the future and we hope to see you again soon for some forest fun during holiday camps. For those having their summer holidays we hope you have a wonderful time with friends and family and we are looking forward to welcoming you back to the forest for my favourite season - Autumn!
This week has seen the children become engrossed by a multitude of fine motor activities. Groups of children have been working in teams using ropes and string to build all sorts of different constructions. One group used the ropes, bunting and string to tie decorations they had made for a party. They carefully threaded the string through gaps and were able to tie the ends completely independently. Another group spent a whole morning using string to tie sticks together to make a ladder. There was incredible focus and determination as the children persisted until the ladder was complete. Some children tying independently and others needing a little bit of help. There were also projects where the children collected natural materials and threaded them onto string to make their own awesome hanging mobiles. The children told us that this would attract the birds and the squirrels so that we could spot them with our binoculars!

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The children have also engaged in lots of drawing, cutting and making as some children wanted to make their own pieces of art, models and masks. When making the masks it was fantastic to see the attention to detail as the children carefully drew the outline of their animal or superhero adding in all the features. The children then cut around the outline, poked holes for the eyes and threaded string as support.
Next week on Tuesday it is 1 year since we opened at Barnes. To celebrate our 1st birthday we are going to the Wimbledon site to make and launch rockets with the Steam Co. We are all very excited about this and we will be planning more trips throughout the summer.

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Little Forest Folk