Barnes - Pooh Sticks!

Our Week in the Forest... 

This week the children have enjoyed exploring different corners of the common.
We played ‘pooh sticks’ on Beverley brook bridge. The children enjoyed selecting particular sticks. It was a great opportunity to talk about length, size and then speed when the sticks were in the water. Some of the children found some seed pods and decided to throw those in too. As the objects splashed into the water a conversation about ripples sparked up. The children discussed the shape and movement of the ripples and learnt the new word ‘ripple’.
In the meadows, some children decided to make a straw house so we collected last years dried stems of nettles, thistles and grass. As the children gathered it together they set about working as a team to build a base and a roof for the house. It was fantastic to see the communication and cohesion of the group as they set about achieving a shared goal. Once finished, one of the children decided to turn the house into a nest. Everyone loved this idea so they squished the house and shaped it into a doughnut shape. Fir cones were collected to be the eggs!

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One morning saw the children take a scenic route to basecamp. We found an amazing new tree that looked just like a cave! The children got so excited that we played there for some time. One child even said, “This is beautiful here!” Unfortunately, this peaceful moment didn’t last long as some role-play started up and some monsters came around the corner to scare us away!
We can’t wait to see what adventures the children will take us on next week!

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Little Forest Folk