Fulham - New Discoveries

Our Week in the Forest... 


It’s been another exciting week in the forest full of new discoveries and experiences.
Earlier in the week we had some visitors to Fulham Palace Gardens who came to check that the forest was healthy and eventually had to cut down a couple of old trees. This was a lovely opportunity to talk about the job of a tree surgeon and watch them climb high into the treetops to use their special tools. The tree surgeons were also kind enough to cut up some of the larger branches so that we could use them to create some new structures in our setting. The wibbly-wobbly bridge we created together with the children has been really popular and put even the most confident children’s abilities to the test! It has also allowed us to build an extension to our mud kitchen with some new lovely tree stumps so we have had no shortage of delicious, muddy concoctions throughout the days. 

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The children have been asking about why some trees are cut down so this was the perfect opportunity to talk about growth and decay. We have also been looking at plants and trees more closely to learn about the changes that take place and particularly the changes at this time of the year. One particularly engaging activity this week was delivered by Bella who has been teaching the children about growing plants. Bella supported the children in making their own plant pots from paper, then the children planted some seeds in their pots which will hopefully spring to life early next year!

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Have a lovely weekend!

Little Forest Folk