Fulham - Planting Seeds, Making Play Dough and Creating Dream Catchers

Another week comes to a close here in our Fulham forest and we’ve had some great adult-led focus activities going on this week. 

To start off the week, the children had fun creating their own play dough. Using all the ingredients the children were able to get stuck in with their hands and mix it all together to create various different colours of their choosing, whilst using great vocabulary to describe how the mixture felt.

As this week is Children’s Mental Health Week, to support and promote this our children created some dream catchers, using twine, paper plates and feathers to decorate. It was great to see the children paying close attention to detail as they threaded the twine through the holes, developing their fine motor skills.  

Another awesome activity which took place was getting the children more familiar with the letters in the alphabet. Using picture cards and the wooden alphabet, the children became more familiar with letters using the picture cards to spell out simple words such as bus and hat. 

The children went on a nice adventure around Fulham Palace one day on a scavenger hunt with little bags, collecting various leaves, fallen flowers and interesting bits of nature that they could find. 

The children’s gardening skills have also shone through as we have planted some seeds and the children have enjoyed using our new watering cans to water them and look after them whilst we wait for them to grow. We also observed all the different seeds closely, using mathematical language such as ‘bigger’ and ‘smaller’ to describe them. 

We hope you all have a lovely weekend, and can’t wait to see you all next week!

Little Forest Folk