Wandsworth - Fred the Fire-Breathing Dragon!

As a blisteringly hot week has come to an end, it’s time to reflect back on what we have been grateful for this week:

We are grateful for a week of summer sun before summer officially draws to a close (we are equally grateful for our natural canopy inside our shady Forest site, which has successfully kept us a few degrees cooler). We are grateful for our Forest log circle, which is a communal space for children to have meals together, we are grateful for ice lollies which have been enjoyed on some days this week to keep us cool, we are grateful for ice cubes, which have cooled us down when role-playing, and we are grateful for our new Forest friends, who have settled in very nicely!

The week started with some interesting fire fighter role play, in which we filled up some water squirting bottles, and we used these to put out the Forest fires caused by Fred the fire-breathing dragon!

As the week went on, we built on this by using a water siphon to transport water from one container to another!

By Wednesday, the ice play had developed, one of the mini explorers had wanted to put some ice into a basket, so we decided to try and melt it through, and into a box below, where this water would then be used to once again put out some forest fires!

On Thursday, one of our new settlers had shown an interest in the “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” story, so Educator Jamie lead us on our very own bear hunt through the Forest!

Have a great weekend one and all, and we’ll see you next week!

Little Forest Folk