Wimbledon - Snow houses

Our Week in the Forest...

What a windy, snowy week it has been here at Little Forest Folk. Our Little Forest Folkers were wrapped up against the elements (as were the Big Forest Folkers!) and bravely built snow houses, courageously collected snowballs and sledded their way down any incline that could be found. Some even sledded when there wasn’t any snow about at all! Although the snow kept us tied to the Scout Hut, it didn’t stop the children going out in it and having exceptional adventures in the grounds or, for those hardies enough, going into Fishponds Wood to experience the wonder of woodland covered in snow and ice!

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The creative spark hasn’t been lost by being indoors, however, the children have made some brilliant things. Envelopes have been particularly popular as an art medium with the children decorating the outsides but then filling the insides with drawings that they’ve cut out, or other pictures that they’ve made on the smallest pieces of paper! The children used a range of junk modelling materials to create things to carry their drawings in!
During the times we have been in the forest, the children have really enjoyed the new swings that have been made for them. Several different ‘trapeze’ swings were made: one with a large hoop that the children sat in, and one with a log suspended higher above the ground that the children held onto and swung on, with a crash barrier beneath, just in case. The final, and the swing most swung on, was a double swing in which two children had the delight of swinging side by side.

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Little Forest Folk