Chiswick - Allotment fun!

Our Week in the Forest...

This week we have made full use of Chiswick House and Gardens with a wide range of activities and adventure walks; from exploring the secret path by the waterfall to the cricket field for games and races. 
The allotment is bursting with life and this week has seen us planting our flower seedlings to attract friendly pollinators. We also helped pick up lots of fallen apples and the children loved digging holes and tucking the plants carefully to bed, “Night night plants!”. Back at base camp Rachel constructed a new rope activity that could only work with two people at the same time. It was great seeing the cooperation and hilarity that ensued as they figured out how to bounce with their friends!

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Kellie brought some clay to the forest which was great fun. The children learnt how to use water to change the texture and how to smooth and pinch the clay to make shapes. Role play was the theme on Wednesday and we made houses within the young trees. The walls were rope, the roof was a rainbow parachute and the imaginative play was just as rich and colourful. 
At Kew Gardens, we went to the conservatories to see what we could find. The children came across lizards, fish and even turtles! We discussed what habitats they liked to live in and the food they liked to eat. Face painting was a big hit with the children this week too; we had tigers roaming the forest, spiders swinging from their webs and many more imaginative characters!
With more hot weather to come we can’t wait for another great week!

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Little Forest Folk