Chiswick - Forest yoga

Our Week in the Forest...

This week we have welcomed some new faces to the forest! A big welcome to those who have been settling with us this week!
We have been climbing our way through the forest this week with some creative rope ladder structures. The children have shown great courage as they have clambered up, over and back down the other side. Before long I think we might just have some circus performers.
We also started our first yoga session this week, and the children had a fabulous time re-enacting the story of the three billy goats gruff through a range of yoga poses. The children bent and stretched fabulously and were so keen to join in.  We can’t wait to see what the story is next week!

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Our new books have been popular reading choices. “I like bees, I don’t like honey” has been a great talking point as it has encouraged the children to express their likes and dislikes and understand that their favourite things aren’t shared by everyone, although there were some things that got us all shouting in excitement, such as “I love milkshakes!”. Our Little Forest Folk-ers have also been the storytellers, retelling the story of “The Unexpected visitor” using the pictures as a guide and talking about the moral of the story, the importance of only taking what we need to ensure that there is enough for everyone.   
The dinosaurs have been the centre of some fabulous small world play this week, with the children using a tree stump to represent a volcano and getting creative with their mark making to draw the lava pouring out everywhere.
Letters have also been a popular choice for play and some of the children have been practicing spelling out their own names.  
We are thrilled to announce that Karina safely delivered a little boy last week, calling him Fredrik (Freddie). He is absolutely gorgeous and we eagerly await our first chance to meet little Freddie.

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Little Forest Folk