Chiswick - Spooky craft



Our week in the forest

We began the week in the forest dressing up for Halloween! Lots of children came dressed in their costumes, there were witches, robots, and monsters all around. We had lots of Halloween inspired fun with pumpkins and plenty of spooky craft activities.

The children made brooms with sticks and leaves and their competitive sides came out when they decided to race using their brooms to fly. Other children were pulling a stick with a rope leaving a nice trail free of leaves in the meadow for the other children to use as a circuit. It was wonderful.
The children used pumpkins in their role play in the puddles. They liked to use them as containers, filing them up and then pretending it was pumpkin coffee, yum yum!
We also rolled the pumpkins down the hill to see how far they would go, the children noticed that the lighter ones travelled faster.

Then we all enjoyed emptying the pumpkins and decorating them with paint and we used tools to carve scary faces and drill holes into them.

This week we also made a bakery with logs and sticks following our instructions from the children. They told us which sticks to take and where to put them. Some of the children were telling the teacher how to build it, other children were playing and pretending to bake a mud cake. Some of the children took a rope to mark out the walls of the bakery and they wrapped the rope around the logs to build a fence.

Busy in the forest :-)

Busy in the forest :-)

We also built a swing with the children, we used ropes and made some knots to attach a fallen branch from a tree. The children took turns to play on the swing and they used it in different ways. They tried sitting and swinging, then tried standing up, balancing, climbing on it and jumping off of it. 
We had lots of musical fun in the forest with the guitar again this week. The children love the music! The most popular songs were “old McDonald had a farm” and “caballito troton” (our favourite Spanish song) among others. So all in all it was a very magical and musical week!


Our latest blog
Just in case you missed this earlier in the week, here is our latest blog all about
The health benefits of wintering outdoors

ITV news feature
For anyone that missed us on the TV last week, watch the clip again


Christmas Party
Monday 19th December, during the day.  
More details to follow next week.

Keeping warm
We noticed that not all of the children were wearing their hats and gloves this week. Please make sure their little ones have plenty of layers, wear their hats and have spare gloves. An extra jumper is always a good idea for sleepers.

What to wear

The weather for next week is looking crisp and a little chilly, so please do wrap your little ones up nice and warm. Check out our recommended winter kit list and remember to use your LFF discount codes.

Team Update

We're delighted to say that we have welcomed Stephanie into the forest this week, as our newest Practitioner. Stephanie's excited to be part of the Little Forest Folk team and looks forward to meeting you all soon, but in the meantime here are some fun facts about Stephanie.

Stephanie enjoys hiking, reading, photography and going to the theatre!

We hope you enjoy your weekend, have lots of fun on Bonfire Night, stay safe!

Little Forest Folk