
Chiswick - Forest Cafe & Railway Adventures!

Chiswick - Forest Cafe & Railway Adventures!

We've had a wonderful week in the Chiswick forest!

We had an exciting shop and cafe set up in the forest this week, where all our Little Forest Folk-ers had the opportunity to practise role playing - with some taking on the job of shop workers, whilst others were customers, stopping by to spend their imaginary money on leafy salads & very wooden hotdogs!

Twickenham - Wild Things & Dinosaurs

Twickenham - Wild Things & Dinosaurs

Our forest has come to life with the children going on adventures with colourful characters from our favourite books. At the beginning of the week, we had a visit from a gang of crayons who were up in arms about their predicament of not being able to take part in colourful activities. So, our little adventurers decided to ask for their help in making the forest look like a rainbow fell from the sky and splashed its magnificent colours all over the forest. 

Chiswick - Canvas of Colour and Creativity!

Chiswick - Canvas of Colour and Creativity!

This week, our woodland has blossomed into a vibrant canvas of colour and creativity! 🌈 We kicked off our adventures with an artistic exploration—rolling balls down ramps to mix colours in mesmerising ways. The forest transformed into an open-air studio as we dived into hands-on messy painting sessions, leaving behind a tapestry of lively handprints. ✋🎨

Fulham - Magnificent Kindness Tree

Fulham - Magnificent Kindness Tree

This week in the forest has been a slightly cold and wet one, however our children haven’t let that dampen their moods and have really enjoyed making the most out of the wet weather on camp by using the rain water to make fun things in the mud kitchen and enjoying great big splashes in the muddy puddles that have been forming!

Fulham - Math-tastic Fun!

Fulham - Math-tastic Fun!

This week has been jam-packed with Math-tastic fun! Early maths concepts such as number, shape and pattern have inspired our educators to create exciting and engaging activities for our Little Forest Folk-ers! As a team we ensure that engaging with maths concepts is accessible through both independent play and educator-led activities. Most importantly, it is always FUN!

Morden - Celebrating the cold! 

Morden - Celebrating the cold! 

This week in the Morden Forest we've been celebrating lots about this time of year! To celebrate fireworks night and Diwali, we were using big splashes of colour in all of our crafting this week, and discussing all the things we like to celebrate while doing so!! The children's descriptive language has continued to flourish during our play, and we're loving to listen to all of this new vocabulary popping up! 

Putney Heath - Diwali Dress Up & A Teddy Bear Picnic

Putney Heath - Diwali Dress Up & A Teddy Bear Picnic

With Diwali quickly approaching, the Little Forest Folk-ers and educators had many celebrations throughout the week. Rangolis were made using natural resources such as sticks and leaves. The children listened to stories about the history of Diwali and also dressed up with masks of Sita, Rama and Ghanesh. One child shared their Diwali books from home as well as bindis for everyone to wear. 

Twickenham - Chocolate Factory & Monster Trucks!

Twickenham - Chocolate Factory & Monster Trucks!

Magical adventures!

We kicked off our week by talking about the amazing celebrations and fireworks from the weekend. And speaking of sparkles, we tried to recreate the fireworks using glitter and confetti, and transformed lolly sticks and colourful strings into unique stick figures. We also delved into the world of colourful mandalas, using sparkly shapes and textured pom-poms to create magnificent works of art.