Fulham - Christmas Crafts & Father Christmas

What a magnificent white snowy week it’s been in the Fulham Forest. We started off the week coming into Fulham Palace to be greeted by a lovely blanket of snow.

This had the children and educators very excited as we got to have lots of fun making snow angels, creating snowmen and having lots of snowball throwing fun. 

This week has been our Christmas week and we have been doing lots of Christmas crafts, creating great artwork and bits to take home for the festive period. We got creative with some Christmas stickers and made some really cool masterpieces, we have decorated some cardboard Christmas trees and have even been working on forming our letters and have been practising writing our names on snowmen templates. 

We have made some gingerbread men to take home and bake and the children really enjoyed participating in tool work using the hammer and nails creating our own little Christmas tree decorations to hang on our trees at home. 

We even had a special visit from Father Christmas who read us an amazing Christmas story and brought all the children a special Christmas gift. What a busy fun packed week it’s been for us here in Fulham!

We wish all our sessional families a wonderful festive break and a Happy New Year and we look forward to seeing you in 2023!

Little Forest Folk