Chiswick - It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Happy Friday everyone!

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas … 🎶❄️ What a fantastic frozen week we have had playing in the snow and exploring our winter wonderland! 

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! 🎵 On Monday we kicked off our week by getting stuck into the fresh snow and rolling up some super cool snowmen (pun intended!) and throwing some snow balls! ☃️

I’m dreaming of a white Christmas, with every Christmas card I write! 🎶 The forest has looked like a beautiful snow-adorned Christmas card this week. We have enjoyed stomping through the forest on our adventure walks and admiring the snow on the branches, the ice on the river and the sparkly icy leaves on the grass ❄️

Rockin’ around the Christmas tree! 🎵 Keeping in the festive spirit, we made some sparkly decorations to hang on our Christmas trees at home! We used pipe cleaners and sequins to make our decorations shine like a Christmas star 🌟 

Snowy joke of the week: 

What does a snowman have for breakfast?


Little Forest Folk