October holiday camps

Some places available

For anyone looking to join in with some last minute bookings for holiday camps, we've had a couple of cancellations for some days so if you'd be interested in booking in for Monday, Wednesday or Thursday, please let us know. 

For Monday bookings please contact Leanna on info@littleforestfolk.com 
For Wednesday or Thursday contact Lisa on lisa@littleforestfolk.com

Alternatively read more about our concept and the benefits of outdoor play.  And learn more about the possibilities of your child joining us on a regular basis!

It's almost holiday camp time again. We can't believe how quickly the year is racing away from us.

Our October holiday camps will run from Monday 26th October to Friday 30th October. We will be having our usual fun in the forest. From tree climbing to mud kitchens with lots of other activities thrown into the mix, we expect a week of Autumnal action......with a little halloween spook-tacular at the end of the week.

Our holiday camps are for 3-7 year olds and run from 9.30am-3.30pm at a cost of £110 for 2 days and £55 for any additional days. All days include morning and afternoon snack as well as lunch and drinks.

We are now a very full nursery and many of our enrolled parents have taken advantage of our priority booking system to book holiday camps spaces. This means we have very few spaces left available for the general public so if you would like your child to join us for the half term fun, we would recommend contacting us soon on holidaycamps@littleforestfolk.com to book. I'm afraid due to the volume of enquiries we receive for our holiday camps that we are unable to hold provisional bookings.

Best wishes!

Little Forest Folk Team