Chiswick - A Huge Wooden Bridge!

As most of the children are now back from holiday, we’ve been sharing a lot about the memories of each other’s winter break. This experience reminded us how capable children are of telling stories about their experiences, using their growing vocabulary and great facial expressions to tell us how exciting it was 🥰

In camp children polished up on their counting skills by cutting out foam numbers and sticking them down with the matching amount of sparkly pom poms ✨ Children also demonstrated their great focus and fine-motor skills to use scissors to cut out the numbers.

On one of our adventure walks, children worked together to make a huge wooden bridge. They showed amazing cooperation skills to bring heavy logs to the meadow and moved them around to make a bridge over the muddy puddle! They did it almost all on their own without the educators’ help, and at the end, it resembled a bridge that you might find out and about wherever you may go! What fabulous team work! It was a great achievement for them to work together to create the big bridge together, which gave them the biggest, proudest smiles 😄😄 

Have a lovely weekend!!

Little Forest Folk