Chiswick - Pancakes, Dot-To-Dots and Tree Cookies

The chill has returned to the forest this week, but with our new camps set up and ready we had an amazing selection of activities for our explorers to take part in. 
Our adventurers kicked off the week by designing their own pancakes. They chose all kinds of magical toppings, like rainbow sprinkles, jelly and even piles of unicorn ice cream!! They drew out their recipes to inform their own pancake making at home. 
The children also embarked on a wellness journey, talking about what makes them happy. From watching Paw Patrol to fluffy gloves, we celebrated how many things we have that make us happy and thankful. 
A phonic dot-to-dot encouraged our Little Forest Folk-ers to find familiar words and sounds as we connected one letter to another in a vibrant dot-to-dot. 
Our gardeners arranged our own private show to watch tree-felling. We congregated at a safe distance to watch experts chop down a rotten tree. The gardeners explained to our adventurers how they find and chip down these rotten trees and the benefits of tree felling. For example, maintaining and saving animal habitats, encouraging new growth and their uses for wood chip made from the trees. 
Needless to say, our adventurers were inspired and made their own tree cookies and tree animals using a branch from the fallen tree the following day. Meticulously sawing the branch to their desired size and decorating with pipe cleaner ears and drawn eyes! 
Joke of the week: Why do pine trees have trouble sewing?
They can’t stop dropping their needles!! 

Little Forest Folk