Wimbledon - Glorious sunshine

Glorious glorious sunshine!

Glorious glorious sunshine!

What a beautiful week in the forest. The children have had an extra spring in their step and have been very excited by the beautiful sunshine. They are intrigued by the flashes of colour springing up all over our site with the arrival of Spring flowers and are continuing to ask us loads of questions about the change of season and resulting growth of the forest.

It's been a week for lots of exploring. We've been searching for signs of Spring in the ponds around the nature reserve by looking for tadpoles. When we can't find tadpoles, we've been learning about maths through the excitement of pooh stick racing!

We've been busy building dens this week. The children have been interested in lots of family role plays so our dens have been forest houses and our children have all been mummies and daddies inside their special forest houses.

Sitting in the sunshine crafting away is a beautiful feeling. We've been practising our tool use and have been learning which natural materials and tree species are the best to work with and have been been creating crafts using our palm drills. The satisfaction of finally after lots of turning, turning of creating a hole in their stick is very sweet to see! We've also been practicing our whittling skills, reminding ourselves of the safety rules behind tool use and learning why safety precautions are important.

We've been climbing in trees and dangling our legs in the sunshine. We've been swinging. We've been racing excitedly through the meadow. We've discovered how fun it is to sit in trees and wedge ourselves between branches. We've been digging, pouring, balancing and jumping off logs. 

We've had a great week in the sunshine and are excitedly preparing mud pies for our afternoon tea party today in honour of Sir David Attenborough's 90th birthday tomorrow.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to an absolute legend.

Parent request

As a reminder, if you need to let the nursery know that you are running late, or if you have any other reason to need to pass a message to us in the mornings, it's best to contact Vicky directly on her mobile. We are often too busy with the children in the mornings to check emails so a text message or a call to Vicky is the best way to communicate with us in the mornings. 

Dressing for the weather

The warmer weather (fingers crossed) looks here to stay!

As a guideline next week the children should be wearing:

  • ONE pair of comfortable trousers (jogging bottoms or leggings)
  • A long sleeve t-shirt
  • ONE fleecy zip up jacket  (in a backpack just in case)
  • One pair of socks
  • Wellies 

Now that the sun is here to stay, we would ask that on sunny days you apply a layer of sunblock to the children before you drop them off. We will then top up their sunblock regularly throughout the day. Also, please ensure the children have sun hats on sunny days.

We'd like for Spring to recommend warm wellies. These wellies are neoprene based which makes them extremely flexible for easy running in, plus they have great grips and are much warmer than standard wellies so we highly recommend them. 

Next week in the forest

Next week in the forest we are going to continue talking about Spring and flowers as the children have not yet finished their questioning. We can tell this is a very fascinating topic for them so we will encourage their learning by extending our play and reading around flowers and Spring.

Enjoy the extremely beautiful weather forecast this weekend. BBQ time!!!

Little Forest Folk