Barnes - Blackberries!

Our Week in the Forest... 

Scientists and environmentalists!
This week the children have taken creativity to a new level! Children have been collecting natural materials to make their own resources for artwork. They have collected mud, sticks, leaves and straw and mixed them with water to create their own paints. They tested their ideas, experimenting with how the different materials responded in a mixture. They then talked about which material worked best.
On adventures the children spotted that some of the blackberries are already out! They collected them in pots and pans and brought them back to camp. This time the children experimented with the thickness of their mixtures adding different amounts of water to create different consistencies. Some children also sorted the blackberries by colour to try and make different tones of paint.
The children enjoyed using their homemade natural paint to create masterpieces on logs, leaves and planks!

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Recently many of the children have been requesting to go on rubbish collecting adventures! They have enjoyed pointing out rubbish, collecting it in bin liners and discussing the different materials found. Some children have taken this a step further and have discussed the environmental impact of rubbish in wild spaces. The children enjoy learning about our local environment and how we can help to support nature for the benefit of the wildlife and habitats. They really want to save the plants and animals!
We want to thank all the parents who were able to make it in for the stay and play sessions! The children had so much fun playing with you all.

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Little Forest Folk