Morden - Colour Monster Book!

This week in our Morden forest, the children jumped into loads of fun exploring our colour monster book! Our forest space was set up with areas to explore each colour/emotion. We had a space to dance and let out our ‘wiggly feelings’ /the yellow zone. We had a quiet space with books where we could head to if we were feeling a little sad or tired/ the blue zone. An area where we could kick and throw balls into buckets to let out some anger/ the red zone, and the mud kitchen for some medicative cooking for the green zone! It was great to watch the children explore the space in their own ways!

The lovely ducklings were collected on Thursday and brought back to their home on a farm in Kent, to be with their mummy duck. Before they left, we had loads of time to talk about how big they had grown! The children loved to notice the differences in the ducklings as they grew, like the colour of their feathers, or shape of their feet. Our kind and gentle hands were used perfectly all the way through the week, and it was amazing to see the confidence of the children who weren’t so sure at the beginning of the week grow with the ducks, everyone was holding the ducks confidently by the end of the week! 

Little Forest Folk