Morden - Forest Beans on Toast!

Forest Beans on Toast!

Our forest shop has been a great area for imaginative play this week! We have moved the mud kitchen area closer to the forest shop. We were excited to see what the children would do with the new space, and after a while, they turned it into a restaurant to sell their delicious food! The children use the tape at the mud kitchen sink to wash their hands before they cook so that we could be 'nice and clean for the food!' They showed lovely teamwork while sharing the pots and pans and took turns to be the 'hungry person' and the 'food cooker'!

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For our cooking activity this week, the children joined the educators over at the fire circle to make 'green beans on toast', using a courgette that one of the parents had generously gifted to us from their garden, as the toast! The children loved to talk about what meals they eat beans with, 'I have chips and beans!' The children loved watching the courgette change colour as it cooked and had lots of interesting questions about how the courgette grew in the garden!

We've had a new rope ladder hung up at the back of the forest, challenging the children’s climbing in a new way, and inviting some more imaginative play in that area! The children used the climbing space as a 'train station', sitting in lines under the swinging rope ladder, ready to 'go to the holiday beach’. Choo choo!'

We've had a fabulous week and we can't wait to have more fun next week! We hope you all have a lovely weekend!

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Little Forest Folk