Morden - World Book Day!

What a lovely week we’ve had in the forest, with the wonderful sun showing its face once again!

Our little green-fingered adventurers had a wonderful time creating their own little planters this week. Using cardboard toilet rolls, our little artists carefully marked their names on them and then planted their own seedlings to get our veg garden rolling⁠! This will be a wonderful activity to track over time and allow our Little Forest Folk-ers to witness the growing process from start to finish, hopefully with some delicious rewards at the end!

⁠Another popular activity this week has been making bird feeders from oats, seeds and fruits to hang around our snack area so the birds can enjoy snack time with us! Our little explorers love it when our winged-visitors pay us a visit, and it always sparks lots of conversation around how we can look after the creatures we share the space with, as well as a fun learning opportunity to work out what type of birds we have visiting each day, and whether we can see any patterns with recurring visitors!

The highlight of our week was certainly World Book Day. Everyone had a wonderful time dressing up, and exploring our pop-up forest library. Our little ones had the opportunity to read, roleplay, and even swap books for their cardboard-library cards!

It’s been another week of fun and learning, and we can’t wait to see what’s in store next week, have a lovely weekend!

Little Forest Folk