Putney Heath - A week of wonder!

A week of wonder!

This week the children have continued to explore role-play games through different types of vehicles. A rocket ship, a boat, a pirate ship, and a fire engine were built with the children moving logs, planks, and materials themselves building together in a collaborative environment. Once built the children then went off on wondrous adventures using their vivid imaginations to build stories together! There were children being mermaids, waves, and a kraken; there were children being firefighters, superheroes, and fire butterflies; there were children being chefs, pirates, and pet cats and while in character all the children showed fabulous creativity expressing themselves in a very open and proactive way!

This week also saw the children look in awe and wonder at the array of autumnal colours fluttering all around them as the leaves slowly fell to the ground around them. We collected many of these leaves sorting them out by colour and using them for animal leaf collages. We also tried to catch them as they fell from up above.

One activity this week inspired lots of interest in solving mathematical problems. The children were invited to a challenging throwing activity where they had to try and throw 3 old logs into a series of different sized metal bowls, each worth a different number of points. The children showed amazing technique and managed score lots of points. They then worked out how many points they had scored using their fingers or counting out sticks to help them. It was wonderful to see the support the children gave to each other both by cheering others on when they were throwing and also working the number problem out together.

As Christmas draws ever nearer, we have also started to create our own advent count down calendars with the children. They have made their own salt dough with each child measuring out salt, flour, and water, mixing it all up and moulding it into a swirl. They then counted out 24 thumb prints on the surface. Next week the children will paint and decorate them before taking them home to start the countdown using little fluffy counting pom poms!

Have a lovely weekend everyone and we will see you next week!

Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath