Putney Heath - Happy Birthday!

We have had a brilliant week this week.

We started off the week with celebrating our nursery birthday. The children were delighted to join in with the celebration as we sang happy birthday to ourselves throughout the day, played party games, blew up balloons and shared a delicious birthday cake.

Our sessional friends have all gone on holiday, but we soon made new friends with all the holiday campers we had in the forest each day. We couldn’t light a real fire on Putney Heath but we did sweep an area free of leaves and arrange some logs of wood into a tepee fire shape and decorated the fire with rainbow pictures that looked like flames. We sat around our imaginary fire and sang songs and pretended to roast marshmallows.

Our mud kitchen was busy all week with chefs cooking up delicious pots of food, witches concocting poisons and caterers preparing delicious food for the dinosaur cafe. On the other side of the forest we had a post office and the Little Forest Folk-ers took great delight in writing letters and postcards, sticking on hand made stamps and posting them in our red letter box.

Meanwhile over in the tool area we enjoyed learning how to be safe around tools as well as how to use the tools and keep them clean. One day we had a sawing activity and we created slices from a wooden branch, we call these slices/discs ‘cookies’, and once we’d finished sawing, we enjoyed decorating them using pens and paint. On another day we learnt about hammering, nails and keeping our fingers and thumb safe. Our little explorers showed great skill and soon we had a number of nails protruding out of discs of wood which we then wrapped our string around to create beautiful pin art.

Singing our favourite songs, building friendships and enjoying the butterflies as they flitted through our camp has made our time in the forest 5 days of delight. We can’t wait for more adventures next week!

Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath