Putney Heath - Kings and Queens!


We have had a wonderful week here at Putney Heath, engaging in a variety of different activities and having so much fun! We have enjoyed some craft activities making crowns and flags in recognition of the King's coronation. 

At the beginning of the week, the children worked on their fine motor skills and cutting skills over in our wild cooking area. The children had the opportunity to cut up some vegetables to create their own rice cake faces. They carefully used the knife to cut through cucumber and pepper and then they used a peeler to peel some cucumber skin to create some hair for their faces. The children showcased their fantastic concentration and safety skills throughout and created some truly magnificent, tasty faces. 

Crown making has been a highlight of our week and the children have loved role playing kings and queens. The children decorated some strips of card using sticky jewels, leaves, feathers and paint and wore their crowns with pride around the forest. The children have also enjoyed listening to a story about King Charles, learning about his childhood and his life that led him to being on the throne today. 

We ended the week looking after some poorly patients over in our animal surgery, using medicine, bandages, and plasters to treat our patients. 

We hope you all enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend!

Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath