Putney Heath - Yo ho ho….

We have had an action-packed week here at Putney Heath, full of exciting activities and moments that we cannot wait to share with you. We have also enjoyed some wonderful stay and play sessions where the children have been able to share our forest magic with their families. 

We began the week celebrating world Environment day by making use of our junk modelling collection. We used recyclable items to create some wonderful dragons, dinosaurs and other fantastic creatures. We always try to make use of the bits and bobs we have lying around our nursery to keep making small steps to protect our planet. 

Our busy bees got to work later in the week creating their own beehives. The children used bubble wrap and paint to print beehives onto cardboard and paper. The children enjoyed exploring the texture of the bubble wrap and the different shapes and patterns they could see on their beehives.

Towards the end of the week our children engaged in the most amazing pirate role play. We had a day filled with pirate themed activities and adventures. We began the day creating our own eye patches, hats and treasure maps, ready to board our pirate ship. Once all the pirates were on board, we sailed the seven seas in our search for the treasure. The pirates worked together and finally fought off some fearsome sharks to retrieve their treasure. Good job pirates!! 

We hope you all have a restful weekend and we are looking forward to more adventures next week :) 

Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath