Wimbledon - The rain won’t stop us!

The rain won’t stop us!
The weather didn’t ruin any of our plans this week. Even though the rain has been on and off it has only meant that we have had more chance to jump in muddy puddles and catch raindrops on our tongues. 
Everyone showed their creative edge this week with lots of drawing and painting. We’ve drawn pictures of our families and friends and things we like to play. We’ve also spent some time this week creating with clay. We made dinosaurs, bowls and flower pressings with the clay, and we allowed them to dry in the sun and took them home!
The bugs have come out to visit this week as well, and some of the children went on a slug hunt. Once they had found some slugs, they made a house and looked after them all day feeding them leaves and grass and making sure they were safe.

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Our Little Forest Folk-ers have also spent a lot of time using their imaginations to make characters this week. We have had pirates, police officers and dinosaurs all chasing each other around the meadow. Pirate ships have been built and police stations created, neither of which has been affected by the different weather that has been creating up on us.  
Our children adapt so well to the changing weather and just make their play fit the amazing surroundings we have. Their imaginations are something to be in awe of. While the world outside may be a bit strange at the moment, our forest bubble is the perfect place to escape and let your imagination run wild!

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Little Forest Folk