Morden - Different Ways of Measuring!

This week our intent in the forest was focused on different ways of measuring, and the different uses of filling containers with materials. The children joined in with a great activity with educator Charlotte where we collected lots of different sized materials - big rocks, little rocks, seeds, rice, etc..) and talked about the ‘consistency’ of each material. The children filled small jars with the materials and listened to the sounds they made when shaken. Everyone enjoyed imitating the sounds the shakers made (which is a great way to develop early phonics skills) and discovering how the sounds changed as we filled the little jars higher and higher.

Luckily, the rainy, rainy days coincided well with our measuring theme! The children have become so resilient in their play by finding as many ways as possible to collect the rainwater for their play – one of these methods involved lining up cups and pans to catch the water falling from along the side of a shelter. Our little explorers would time how long it took for the drip-drops of water to fill up their bucket, and how many buckets it would take to fill up a pan… endless soggy fun!

Something that our Little Forest Folk-ers are experts at is finding the detail in our environment which isn’t spotted by others - they can show you part of the forest which you would have never thought to look for. Whole families of insects hiding behind a cluster of leaves which become so important to protect “careful not to hurt them! they need space!” it’s a real pleasure to see their knowledge and care for our nursery take flight.

Little Forest Folk