Morden - From Pond Making to Building Electric Hammers!

Mixed weather in the forest has given us the opportunity to enjoy a range of different activities. As we have a range of ages this week, we have had creative and imaginative ideas inspiring child-led activities! From pond making, pirate adventures, self-portraits and building electric hammers. We have not been short of ideas!

We started the week with a car wash! A tub filled with our lost toys that occasionally get forgotten or hidden in the forest for a deep clean! We used measuring cylinders, brushes, jugs and pipettes to squeeze, pour and scrub. Once the cars were cleaned, we practiced our letter recognition by taping our letters to cars and matching them in the correct order. We placed the lettered cars in the car park and drove them to their matching spaces. Once all the cars were parked, we sounded each letter to make our name!

Pirates visited the forest and left their shipwreck! We had to help build the ship back up to sail through storms. Using our treasure map, we scouted out hidden treasure whilst avoiding the cardboard fiend! We had thoughtful pirates, scary pirates, brave pirates and even happy pirates on our quest! When we arrived safely back to our ship, some ventured to other realms whilst some stayed put to cook the crew a celebratory meal!

We enjoyed having holiday campers who like to show off their reading and writing skills. This week, they inspired our adventurers to create invitations for a tea party! We wrote independently or practiced our letter formation before creating colourful designs. We invited the whole forest to come! We made a mint tea and sat with a story, “Julian is a Mermaid.” was selected, which brought up an interesting discussion about creatures, animals and characters we like to dress up as. “I like to dress up as a witch and cast spells!” We smelled our tea and discussed some of our likes and dislikes.

Overall, it’s been another adventurous week in the forest. Rest up and we’ll be back in action next week - see you then!

Little Forest Folk