Putney Heath - New Year, New Camp!

The team here at Putney Heath are wishing all our sessional and full day families who have returned from the winter break a Happy New Year! We hope the break was relaxing and that the new year brings loads of joy. A new year means a new camp! The educators searched far and wide to find a fresh place to set up the outdoor space and they were victorious. It’s an added bonus that it’s just a stone's throw away from our indoor space too!

The newly discovered camp is a tree climbers paradise, which has greatly increased the children’s curiosity each day - they couldn’t wait to see what was set up for them. With their many layers on, our Little Forest Folk-ers ventured off to play. Upon arrival, the little ones were greeted with snow flurries, and smiles stretched from ear to ear as cheers for snow could be heard throughout the common. Not only does the new site offer spaces to climb, but also ample opportunities to run. The children and educators worked together to create pathways, perfect for racing their motorbikes.

The snow had been blown away but that did not stop the cold. The little ones were greeted by Jack Frost each morning, which meant that staying warm needed some creativity. Dance parties were mandatory with the little ones found singing along to their current favourite songs. Long adventure walks in the sunshine were also a popular activity. Our Little Forest Folk-ers wiggled and wandered to the pond, and along the way, the children and educators hypothesised whether the pond would be frozen or not. At the beginning of the week, the little ones discovered that the pond was not frozen yet… but when they returned, it was!

As the week continued the children dove deep into patterns. The little ones learned what patterns were and how to make their own. They used different materials to create their own patterned pants, inspired by reading ‘Pantosaurus’. They also used team work to create a ginormous Elmer the patchwork elephant!

Although it was a chilly week in the forest, it was filled with warmth! The new site switched things up for all and it was lovely to be all together again.

Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath