Twickenham - Shape Hunt!

We are enjoying the crisp winter mornings in the forest and we were thrilled to find imprints of leaves on ice disks around camp. We have loved seeing the puffs of hot air coming out of our mouths as we breathe out like dragons, and hearing the crunch, crunch of leaves as we run across the meadow.

This week, our forest has been transformed into a wonderland of numbers and shapes where we have had a chance to explore the forest using our mathematical eyes. We enjoyed using our scale to weigh objects we found in the forest –small logs, stones, twigs, pebbles, piles of leaves and compared which of our treasures is heavier or lighter.

We went on a shape hunt where we looked at our treasure map to find the missing shapes. We searched high and low for triangles, squares, circles and rectangles and found them in all sorts of places, triangles in the shape of leaves, circles at the end of logs, rectangles on crates, squares on our books.

We also noticed that our recycling bin was looking a bit full, so we thought it would be the perfect day for a trip to the skip! We gathered the recycling –cartons, paper, cardboard, and we helped pull the trolley to the skip. We climbed the ladder slowly and all enjoyed watching the objects slide through the shoot and hearing it clunk. We talked about how important it is to recycle objects, to turn old things into something new to keep our environment healthy.

We finished the week off making a lovely stew of apples and pears where we learned about sharing and fractions. One of the rules of the forest is to use our kind and gentle hands and words. We do this by sharing with others. When we have an apple, and we cut it in half, it means one for me and a friend, one third means one for me and one for two friends.

We will be back next time with more stories of our adventures. Until next time!

Little Forest Folk