Twickenham - Castles, Bird Feeders and Skyscrapers!

“Rain, rain go away …. “ But that’s not our motto here in the forest!!

The thundery showers have given us lots of massive muddy puddles to splash, run, and jump in. Our little adventurers were amazed with the water collection on the tarps which made beautiful waterfalls when it became too heavy. The children found it funny to weave in and out of the rain and catch water with pots and pans and transporting it all over the forest.

But, what to do with all this water?

The mud kitchen was turned into a car wash where all our forest vehicles were lined up ready to be put in the correct sized pot, washed and scrubbed… all clean!!

Three, two, one, gooooo…The sun is out!

Curling, bowling, basketball, climbing… cheering in every corner of the forest!

There was a cardboard basketball hoop hung on the tree where the children turned into basketball players to score slam dunks 🏀.

The children were also curious about the curling game, where they showed great focus in trying to push wheels into a circle🔴⚪️🔵. The highlight of the day was bowling 🎳, where all children had a lot of fun rolling spares and strikes.

Our jewellery lovers made beautiful necklaces and bracelets using blackberry branches which had been cut into small pieces to turn them into beads, whilst over at the craft table our Little Forest Folk-ers were busy with some junk modelling. Cutting, sticking and building to create castles, bird feeders and skyscrapers 🏙

On another day, we all started the morning feeling very adventurous and “brave”, rain or no rain, we decided to go on a Bear hunt! Our little adventurers made a cave for the bear and stomped through the forest with their magnifying glasses “swish, swish - through the bushes, squish, squish through the mud and around the stinging nettles, there he was” - a big brown bear in a cave! But our kind Little Forest Folk-ers decided to make the bear some delicious Nutella pancakes 🥞 yum!! No need to run now!

To finish the rest of the very rainy, wet day, we went inside, played some relaxing music, read books and dressed up in our favourite costumes for some fun roleplay.

This week, just like every week, had so much to offer. We had heavy rains and sunshine, and we made sure to enjoy every moment of it. And the cherry on the top?...Blackberries are getting sweeter and sweeter each day -YUM!

Little Forest Folk