Twickenham - Literary Adventures!

This week in the forest we’ve had a peruse over the books in our wonderful library where we discovered lots of interesting stories. We chose our favourite stories & took them into the forest to recreate our own literary adventures.

We made masks and put on costumes to transform into the heroes and heroines of our favourite stories. We went on safaris, we flew over the forest as bat families, ran away from big bad wolves and climbed atop towers to face the scary puffing dragon. Some of us stomped around the forest making lots of noise just like our favourite dinosaurs. Others pretended to be pirates, rowing our little black boat across the muddy bog, while some transformed into unicorn mummies and daddies and sat quietly on their nests, vigilantly watching over their precious unicorn eggs to hatch and to keep a watchful eye for the smelly racoons who want to steal them away.

We had a small campfire made of twigs and fiery leaves where we had a turn having our favourite stories read to us while we roasted make believe marshmallows and candied apples. We were entranced by the stories of the penguins who worked together as they floated down the vast ocean and laughed at the smelly, slimy, scary but sweet monster who tried to trick a cranky ogre.

On sunny days, we were entranced by the magnificent colours of the leaves in the trees. The sunlight makes the forest glow in shades of red, orange and gold and the early morning dew makes it look like they're sparkling. We raked leaves in the meadow to make a leaf pile and had so much fun laying on it and making leaf angels.

This week, we also had some exciting news. Some of our friends in the forest welcomed a new addition to their families. They were so pleased and shared lovely stories about their new baby brothers and sisters. We talked about what we can do to be kind and gentle to someone who is very fragile and very precious. There were so many brilliant ideas such as using our gentle hands when we are stroking them, using our quiet voices so we don’t hurt their ears, giving our babies gentle cuddles and kisses, looking after them so they don’t hurt themselves, and helping Mum and Dad to care for the baby.

We had so much fun in the forest this week enjoying our books and the autumn colours. We’ll be back next time with more stories of our next adventures!

Little Forest Folk