Twickenham - Rhyme Expedition and Imagination Wonderland!

This week, we started with a rhyme expedition and an imagination wonderland!

Our little ones transformed into master builders, constructing their own walls using colourful blocks. This was a timeless tale of "Humpty Dumpty." Who knew nursery rhymes could inspire such architectural wonders!

At the mud kitchen, our rhyming adventure was the ever-charming "I'm a little teapot." with our pint-sized teapots-in-training brewing up their own muddy concoctions. Picture the scene: children pouring and giggling away, embodying the spirit of teapots with impeccable poise. It was a sight to behold!

Inspired by the mischievous "Incy Wincy Spider," our little explorers stumbled upon a magical pipe hidden in the forest. Armed with watering cans, they became mini rainmakers, pouring water into the pipe and eagerly watching as it spouted out. Oh, the sheer joy on their faces as they brought the rhyme to life! Splish, splash, and laughter filled the air.

Our craft table is a magical place of imagination. With paper, rubber stamps, and ink pads galore, we embarked on a stamping extravaganza! Children pressed down with all their might, creating the most fantastic images. And oh, the stories we invented! We had a monster chasing an apple with legs, a cat mesmerised by the moon, and countless other wild and wonderful tales.

Over in the loose parts area, we encountered some mysterious footprints in the mud. After closer investigation, we discovered heron footprints that looked like arrows, fox footprints, and even teeny tiny squirrel footprints. Inspired by these animal tracks, we set out to build a colossal obstacle course. But alas, our welly-boot-covered feet couldn't resist squishing through the mud, erasing the animal footprints in the process. It seems our little adventurers were just too eager to jump into action!

Of course, we celebrated the annual “World Book Day” with a splash of creativity and imagination. We were delighted to see Miranda as the long-haired Little Miss Sunshine, a witch gracefully swaying through the forest on a broomstick and The Cat in the Hat came to visit. And who knew our craft table could transform into a place of skeletal wonders? The little skeletons used tree branches to build human bodies, adding a touch of spine-tingling fun. And let's not forget the princesses who gathered together—Snow White, Elsa & Cinderella were joined by Spider-Man and The Hulk—all jumping out of the book into our forest party. It was a literary exhibition!!

Have a nice weekend! We can't wait to see what adventures the next week holds!

Little Forest Folk