Wimbledon Village - Dinosaurs and Flying Unicorns!

This week we had a fully dry week in the forest! And not only that, but the sun also shone for us! 

At the start of the week, one of our little explorers was showing an interest in birds in the forest. We think this was a follow-on from spotting a sparrowhawk in the trees on our walk back last week. Educator Dan built on this opportunity by seeing if the children would like to make their own wings, so they could be forest birds too! We gathered cardboard, scissors, string and a black bag, and went about making our own bird wings! 

On Tuesday, we set off on an adventure walk to an area of bracken. It was here that we found some straw which our little explorers thought would be a good addition to our mud kitchen area, so we gathered some up to take back to camp with us. The straw became drinking straws and spaghetti as well as other things in the kitchen area! 

On Thursday, it was World Book Day and we were delighted to have a visit from a dinosaur and a flying unicorn! We had a great time reading stories that the children brought in to share with their friends as well!! 

We hope you have a great weekend and look forward to seeing you all next week!

Little Forest Folk