Wandsworth - Exploring walks

Our Week in the Forest... 

This week the children have loved going on adventure walks again. It has been brilliant to have some smaller groups - usually our older children mixed with a few new faces - out exploring the Common in the mornings. It is such a unique part of our day and the children get so much out of it. By having the freedom to choose where they go, in a much smaller group, they are able to ask as many questions as they want and this can be a lot!

Our explorers went to the lake, to see the grassy hill and the muddy hill. It was at the muddy hill where we saw lots of great teamwork as the children cheered each other on while they tried to make it to the top. It took the educators back to their youth as they once again watched Cobra, Hunter, Shadow and Wolf battle against the Travelator to make it to the top.

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Our boundary has slowly been moving back and different parts of the camp have now been opened up to the children. Two of the ‘nest’ areas under some holly bushes have become accessible again and the children have loved playing in these new dens. We have also gained our big swing again and the children have waited so patiently to have their turns on this.

We have also created a new dinosaur river and the children have loved splashing in the pond at the bottom of this. Regardless of the weather, playing with water is always a firm favourite in the forest. Whether it is producing water for the dinosaur river, making puddles or spraying the water so it looks like it’s raining, the children love it. We’ve also played lots with pullies this week. The children have been developing their mathematical knowledge by comparing the weight of different objects and talking about heavy, light, full and empty. They have loved watching the bucket rise as they pulled the rope on the other end and this was another activity that really tested the children’s patience, as they waited for their turn, as well as their sharing skills.

We hope you have a lovely weekend and look forward to more adventures next week!

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Little Forest Folk