Wimbledon - Exciting Science Experiments!

This week at Wimbledon we have loved welcoming back some familiar faces, along with some new, as our October holiday camp took place. It was great to share our space with some different friends and involve them in some really fun activities!

This week we have looked at some exciting science experiments, from volcanoes to paper rainbows! The children helped our amazing educator, Donna, to make the volcano in the morning and then in the afternoon we all came together to watch it erupt. Our little scientists added the ingredients to the volcano and watched as the foam began to bubble out of the top. Very exciting!

We also made paper rainbows by colouring in the end of some tissue paper, then placing the two ends in different cups of water and watched as the colour began to seep up the tissue. Another brilliant experiment, and one that the children all wanted to try again at home.

Another highlight of the week has been our adventure walks, where we’ve spent our time on the lookout for anything Autumn! There have been opportunities for our little explorers to spot mushrooms growing in our forest and then find out all about them. We have also taken the tape measure with us and have been measuring the mushrooms we spot. After arriving back at camp, we have been making art using the different coloured leaves and have also taken some time to look for worms in the squelchy mud.

It has been a great week and we look forward to seeing what autumnal adventures we get up to next week!

Little Forest Folk