Wimbledon - 'Pooh Sticks'

It’s been a wet and muddy week at Wimbledon but this always makes for so much fun in the forest!

The wet weather this week has given us the opportunity to spend lots of time playing in our mud kitchen, with our little ones all having a wonderful time making mud cupcakes and digging for worms. We have also been exploring the early signs of spring and looking at the daffodils growing and noticing the snow drops!

We have been out on lots of adventure walks this week. We went to the river nearby and played a big game of ‘Pooh sticks’. Everyone watched with glee as the sticks floated under the bridge and we all had a wonderful time cheering on each other’s to go as fast as possible!

We have also been looking at the flowers that are beginning to grow around us and using our gentle hands to carefully measure them. We used measuring tapes to check the size of the daffodils and then made sure to go back and check for updates as the week went on. We have also noticed the blossoms, the snowdrops and the buds growing on the trees, spring is a magical time out in the forest and we can’t wait to notice more changes as the season approaches!

A week full of fun and exploring all that the weather had to offer!!

Little Forest Folk