Morden - "The Tiger Who Came To Tea"

A shorter week in the forest but as action-packed as ever!

Our water wall has been popular this week - we have attached pipes that twist and turn, bamboo tunnels and shoots, as well as funnels and trays which all connect and carry water in different directions! It’s been fascinating for the learners to carry and pour water, watching where it travels to and which pipe it may fall from into the tray! The maze of tunnels and pipes has encouraged problem solving and communication as the adventurers try to catch the water with their friends. “If I pour it here watch it will come out here!” “I put a pipe there to pour water in the tray.”

We have all really enjoyed, “The Tiger Who Came to Tea.” This has encouraged many discussions and reflections on our forest rules such as ‘kind and gentle’ “That isn’t kind to eat all of the food!” “Did the tiger say thank you?” We have enjoyed re-enacting some cafe and house role and imaginative play in which the adventurers are careful to use their please and thank yous as well as cooking up delicious treats in the mud kitchen! “Can I have a cake please?” “Here you go!” “Thank you!”

We have also the addition of a sandbox at the front of the forest, this has been extremely popular! We have loved burying treasures and dinosaurs to excavate and discover! Engaging our senses and getting our hands dug-in, we have found endless possibilities to create with sand! We have built castles, houses, animals and made prints, rivers and caves! Of course, there has been a lot of cake baking too! It has been a great test of patience and sharing as we have seen eight children giving each other space and asking, “How many minutes until my turn of the spoon?”

During our Arts and Crafts this week we have used paper plates to make our own self-portraits and recycled our cardboard and plastic from the forest to create a recycled Robot! He can look after our forest by eating all the plastic and rubbish found, which he will use to “power and charge!” This was led by a group of children who shared creative ideas such as “The top of his head can spray water to trees” “His feet can shoot out lasers!” “This button will call animals!”

Overall, it’s been a lovely week in the forest and we are excited to make use of the rain today as we can splash in muddy puddles and recycle water within our water wall!

Little Forest Folk