Wimbledon - Mini beasts!

What a week for mini beasts!

What a week for mini beasts!

We've collected worms, caterpillars, spiders and woodlice, as well as the occasional slug and snail. Sticky! We've learned about life cycles and spotted a few beautiful butterflies. We've gone on mini beast hunts with ID sheets and have enjoyed ticking off each new discovery from our ID sheets,

There have been dragons in trees, on the meadow and hiding in the paths through the wider nature reserve. We've been creating lovely role plays around dragons and have been practising our best ROARS!

It's been a week to work on our compassionate side. We cradle our mini beast friends very gently in our hands and learn the importance of being gentle and taking care of one another. We've then extended our compassionate natures to our friends and have been helped one another climb, run and hide during our playtimes.

We have climbed, we have balanced, we've thrown pooh sticks and we've rolled down hills. We've splashed, we've wobbled and we've giggled in delight.

We've built houses, we've made necklaces and we've made caterpillars from elder wood using our palm drills.

What a fun and physical week!

Parent request

With the weather being mostly glorious these days, this is just a reminder that when the children arrive in the mornings they need to have their first layer of sunscreen on as we don't apply sunscreen until we arrive into the forest site. Also, please ensure that on sunny days your little one brings a sun hat. 

Some children are still attending wearing lots of layers. We ask please if you can check our clothing suggestions below as many children are baking hot when they arrive as most days now they only need a tshirt & a fleece just in case. 

Dates for the diary

As a reminder, Monday is a Bank Holiday so we will be closed. Tuesday to Friday is then our half term so we will be welcoming our holiday campers into the forest and will look forward to seeing our sessional children back at the start of the second half of term on Monday 6th June.

Dressing for the weather

The warmer weather (fingers crossed) looks here to stay!

As a guideline next week the children should be wearing:

  • ONE pair of comfortable trousers (jogging bottoms or leggings)
  • One t-shirt 
  • ONE fleecy zip up jacket  (in a backpack just in case)
  • One pair of socks
  • Wellies 


Next week in the forest

Next week we will be talking about our feathered friends. We will be playing duck races, we will be using feathers and natural materials to create works of art and we even have some ostrich eggs for the children!

Enjoy the long weekend.

Little Forest Folk